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Logo Design

Businesses live and die depending on how memorable they are. And the first thing people remember is your company logo. Having a strong visual identity is now so critical that you can't just buy any logo out there. You need the right logo, a logo that represents your brand at a glance and that will make you stand out from the competition.

Brand recognition has become more important than ever before. The only sustainable way to scale a business is to build a strong brand instead of focusing solely on short-term sales. You need to build brand awareness so customers will come to you when they need your products or services.

A strong brand identity starts with a great logo design. It's likely to be the most important design choice you will have to make for your business. If you aspire to grow significantly, a custom logo design can put you on the map. It will be used everywhere and will represent your brand online, on documents, in ads, on all customer touch points. You've got to get it right so your brand becomes memorable (and no, just picking something that looks good isn't good enough).

Invest in a clear brand identity now. Start fresh with a professional logo that will become a bridge of trust between your customers and you.

Our logos are all custom-designed from scratch, they are 100% unique based on your specifications and your brand (what you stand for, your values, your mission, your colors, your value proposition, your offering, your unique selling proposition, etc.).

Here is our process to create a custom logo for you:


Brief and business discovery
We get to know your brand and its identity via questionnaires and/or interviews. We create together the logo specifications. You may be as precise as you want or you may leave us more room for creativity based on your style.


Business and market research
We do some research about your industry and what your target customers care about/look for when purchasing your products/services. We review the competitive landscape to make sure you will stand out.


Design conceptualization
We start the design process with some draft designs and concepts. Among these drafts we select the 3 most promising ones and proceed to the detailing before presenting these concepts to you.


Selection and logo creation
You select the concept you prefer and we proceed with finishing touches. We finalize the logo design and generate several formats, as well as create mockups of logo application.


Official delivery
We present the final logo design and receive your feedback.


Final revisions
If needed we do a last round of revisions and edits.

You receive a 100% tailor-made logo that fits your brand. You have full legal rights to the final product. The logo is exclusively yours and you are free to use, edit or sell it at your convenience without extra fees.

We will provide you with the original file (usually an Adobe Illustrator file) as well the logo declined into several formats (horizontal, square, negative colors, etc.), ready to use on digital and print mediums right away.

  1. What if I need a refresher for an existing logo?

Contact us for custom quote. Less work means it will cost less if there is no conceptualization work required.

  1. How many rounds of revisions are allowed?

We will ask for your feedback multiple times throughout the project to make sure you are satisfied with the final product. At every stage you may request up to 3 rounds of revisions until you are happy to move forward to the next stage. There will be no going backwards however: if at the last stage you decide you want to go in another direction then we will charge you extra (honestly this never happened but let's make sure expectations are clear just in case).

  1. Can you edit our logo after delivery and/or provide additional brand assets?

Yes. Keep in mind however that once you accept the final product, we close the project and any edit will need to be quoted before we may proceed. You may also request a quote if you need additional brand assets such as logo variations for products, designs for branded products, website design, etc.

Sample deliverables

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