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All Inclusive CRO

Kickstart your growth with advanced user research & high velocity testing. We take care of the CRO process from end to end: we monitor your KPIs, we add trackers constantly to fine-tune your data mapping, we maintain and update a prioritized list of AB test concepts, we design and build AB tests, we implement winners and document all learnings so we may use all results to further improve your conversion rate.

This is a 100% data-driven service, and if we systematically test every change you want to make on your site, your conversion rate will definitely go up. Testing allows you to ensure every change you publish is a positive one. We make sure you have the resources to get prompt, accurate results for your tests, and we will always recommend the concepts with highest potential first.

The service you should order depends on the number of AB tests you would like live on your site at any time. So if you select « 4-8 tests (monthly) » we research, recommend, design, build and launch AB tests constantly so there are always between 4 and 8 active tests on your site.

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